Those days when you think, Im done.  I just can’t!  Mentally, Emotionally, Physically or all of these.  I have had so many in the past year (which is why my posting has dried up).   I am going to talk about last years chaos in Minneapolis, what I saw and what helped afterwards….the creative part of the mind is an amazing thing and better yet a great way to heal!

May 2020 – Minneapolis, MN


Wells Fargo Bank                                                        Melted Street Signs


Front Door to one of our favorite Restaurants              Entrance to the Historic Rodeo Building


Melted Windows

These are a just a few images of which I took photos .  While trying to save my husbands building and stay safe it was a crazy, scary time.  I can look back on these now and still get sick to my stomach with anxiety.  BUT….I can also see beauty in a few of them.  How did a Red Picnic Table for employees stay untouched.  Its made of plastic on the top!  It didn’t melt and its so vibrant against the ruble.  The windows….WOW….that still blows my mind.  How can anything burn so hot it melts the actual glass in the windows and it looks so cool!  How can the entire face of a building still be standing and there is nothing left of the rest of it??  The entrance still white and prominent….

What I see today in these photos is a far cry from what I saw when I took them.  But what helped me deal with all of that was this!  I painted!  My “Squad” my “Tribe” my friends who have helped me as a Small Business Owner deal with the past year.  Its still not done. I go back to it all the time to add detail, etc.  It takes me to a place of peace, calm, giggles (with legs that end up to skinny or misshapen heads).

Do you know what happens to my stress and anxiety when I choose to paint, IT GOES AWAY!  Not forever, but while Im focused on creating it gives my mind and soul a brief respite.


If this is too much grab a Paint By Number, an Adult Coloring Book or join us at one of my Color Me Mine Studios.  You’ll just feel better…promise!