About Me

Hi I’m Julie.

I am a Small Business Owner and lover of all things creative. I have owned a paint your own pottery studio since 2000.  I now own 2 locations of Color Me Mine in MN. I enjoy doing anything crafty, family time, girls nights and going to bed early!! I have learned so much about creativity and how it is part of all the things we LOVE to do. I have decided to start sharing what I’ve learned.


CREATIVITY – the use of the imagination or original ideas!

I have heard over and over and over again, “I’m not Creative” or “I don’t have a creative bone in my body”…..LIES.  All lies.  Everyone is creative and usually it shows in the hobbies or the things we LOVE to spend our time doing.  If you think back to when you were a child and try to remember the things you loved doing.  Your favorite toy, past times or game, i’ts a good start.  I LOVED to play store…by myself.  Its really hard to be both employee and customer but I did it.  Here is how my family finds their creativity.

I have been married for for 33 years and my husband finds his creativity in preparing and preserving meats and vegetables from his hunting and gardening.  My daughter is 28 and has found her creative passion  in dog and horse grooming.  My son is a lover of theatre and story writing (although he’s a software developer). Creativity can be in rebuilding a car, organizing your drawers or trimming your shrubs.  When you think of it this way I’ll bet you can come up with several ways you are creative….and then do more of it!!!!